
🎉 Goilerplate

Modern UI Components for Go & Templ

Build sleek, interactive web applications with Go and Templ. Seamlessly integrate Alpine.js for enhanced client-side functionality. Where server-side simplicity meets client-side dynamism.

What's this madness?

Goilerplate is a wild experiment in bringing the joy of modern UI components to the Go ecosystem. It's like a box of LEGO, but for web dev. And yes, we might have had too much coffee while coding this.

We've taken Go, sprinkled some Templ magic, added a dash of Alpine.js, and voilà! You've got yourself a UI toolkit that'll make JavaScript developers question their life choices.

Warning: This project is so beta, it makes alpha look stable. Expect bugs, weird behavior, and possibly code that makes you question our sanity. But hey, that's half the fun, right?

We're constantly evolving. Check out our changelog to see what's new and exciting!

Why Goilerplate?

Inspired by shadcn/ui and Pines UI , Goilerplate brings the same philosophy of accessible, customizable components to the Go ecosystem. We've taken the best ideas and adapted them for Go, Templ, and Alpine.js enthusiasts.

Our components are designed with accessibility in mind, ensuring your web applications are usable by everyone. And just like our inspiration, every component is fully customizable - tweak them, break them, remake them. It's your playground!

Who's to Blame?

We stand on the shoulders of giants. Big thanks to:

  • Go - For giving us a language that's not JavaScript
  • Templ - Making templates great again
  • Alpine.js - JavaScript's cool, minimalist cousin
  • Tailwind CSS - For saving us from actually writing CSS
  • Pines UI - Inspiration and eye candy
  • shadcn/ui - More inspiration, because we're magpies for good ideas